The Institute for the Protection of Maritime Infrastructures of the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.). DLR is a civil security research facility based in Bremerhaven. As part of DLR, the research centre of the Federal Republic of Germany for aeronautics, space, energy, transport, digitalisation and security, it is involved in national and international cooperation. The scientific and technical work of the institute focuses on methods and technological tools for assessing and increasing the resilience of maritime infrastructures. Through the conception and development of new types of sensors and their integration into systems for situation assessment and representation, hazards can be recognised and averted, and their effects countered in a contemporary manner. To test sensor technology and provide data, the Institute develops and operates various sensor platforms above and below water. Furthermore, special attention is paid at the Institute to the social and economic utilisation of the research results and thus their transfer to real operations.
Involvement in the project
DLR will contribute to SilentBorder through the development, validation and assessment of anomaly detection algorithms as well as through the study of any potential benefits resulting from the inclusion of secondary particles in the analysis chain. Contributions will also be made to test and measurement campaigns with the prototype detector system. In addition, DLR will lead the organisation of demonstrations and assess the respectability and flexibility of the prototype design.